Government Accountability

An Act Establishing Massachusetts Freedom Day (S.D.128)

This bill establishes Massachusetts Freedom Day, which would fall on Election Day of every year. It would make it easier for people to vote without worrying about work obligations.

An Act Relative to Fair Elections (S.D.122)

This bill provides candidates for legislative offices in Massachusetts with the option to forgo large private campaign donations, instead funding their campaigns with a combination of small private donations and public matching funds.

An Act Relative to Corporate Accountability for Political Spending (CAPS Act)(S.D.121)

  • The CAPS Act requires that corporations organized under the laws of Massachusetts take a shareholder vote and receive a majority affirmative vote before making a campaign contribution of any kind to a state or federal election in Massachusetts. It responds to the pernicious effects of the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision that allowed corporate dollars to flood the political system.

An Act to Apply the Public Records Law to the Legislature (S.D.110)

This bill serves to increase transparency and accountability for the legislature. While the Public Records Act has long allowed constituents to request information from state agencies and municipalities, the legislature is exempt from this law. This bill holds the legislature to the same standards of transparency as the rest of the government. At the same time, the bill maintains appropriate exemptions for sensitive communications regarding constituent services.

Resolutions for a United States Constitutional Amendment and a Limited Amendment Proposing Convention (S.D.167)

This resolution calls on Congress to propose an amendment to the Constitution that would affirm that corporations are not individuals protected by the Constitution and that would place limits on political contributions and expenditures.

An Act Relative to the Divestment of State Pension Funds From Nuclear Weapons (S.D.129)

This bill would divest state pension funds from corporations involved in the manufacture or maintenance of nuclear weapons.

An Act Establishing a Legislative Fiscal Office (S.D.133)

This bill establishes a legislative fiscal office to research, review, and analyze the cost of proposed legislation upon request. An independent legislative fiscal office would benefit both branches and make the process of determining the cost of proposed legislation more transparent.

Proposal for a Legislative Amendment to the Constitution Establishing an Independent Redistricting Commission (S.D.125)

This constitutional amendment would create an independent redistricting committee appointed by sitting legislators, the governor, the attorney general, and the secretary of state, to update districts for the General Court and U.S. Congress. A nonpartisan redistricting commission would increase transparency and replace elected officials with more objective members.

An Act Relative to the Effective Enforcement of Municipal Ordinances and Bylaws (S.D.134)

This bill would allow municipalities to seek the imposition of civil penalties in court when they obtain equitable enforcement of a local law or regulation. Local municipal boards, including conservation commissions, are vested with the authority to administer a variety of important land use and other bylaws, ordinances and regulations, and need adequate tools to enforce these bylaws.

An Act providing municipal control of liquor licenses (S.D.135)

This bill allows the local legislative body of a city or town to determine the number of liquor licenses allowed within its municipality. Under current law, a municipality can only increase its number of liquor licenses with approval from the legislature.

An Act relative to charitable alcohol donations (S.D.608)

This bill allows registered charitable organizations to apply for a temporary license to sell alcoholic beverages and permits consumption on the premises, among other changes. This legislation streamlines licensure and creates an additional avenue for charities to raise funds to support their causes

An Act extending voting rights in municipal elections to noncitizen voters of the commonwealth (S.D.2073)

This bill grants the right to vote in municipal elections to noncitizens with legal status. It also allows them to serve in municipal office if duly elected. Noncitizens pay taxes and contribute to their communities. In the birthplace of the American Revolution, this bill reaffirms the principle that taxation without representation is unjust.